Lab Alumni

Paweł Tacikowski, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Paweł Tacikowski was a postdoctoral researcher in the Brain, Body, and Self Laboratory from December 2013 to 2019 and again from 2022 to 2023. His research focused on self-concept, self-awareness, and the sense of bodily self.

Click here for more information about his research in the BBS lab.

Click here to read more.

email: pawel.tacikowski @

Dominika Radziun, MSc, PhD Student

Dominika (Nika) Radziun conducted her PhD studies in the lab where she investigates body ownership, body representation and cross-modal plasticity, using behavioural and neuroimaging approaches in sighted and blind groups of participants.

Click here for more information about her research in the BBS lab.

email: dominika.radziun @ or nika.radziun @

Laura Crucianelli, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Laura Crucianelli was postdoctoral fellow in the lab investigating the role of thermosensation and interception in body ownership.

Click here for more information about her research in the BBS lab.

email: laura.crucianelli @ or l.crucianelli @

Marie Chancel, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher

Marie was a postdoctoral fellow in the lab 2017-2021 and her research focused on psychophysics and Bayesian computational modelling of body ownership and the rubber hand illusion. Click here for more information about her research in the BBS lab. After her work with us, Marie started a second postdoc in the Psychology and NeuroCognition Lab, Grenoble-Alpes University, Grenoble, France.

Nora Preuss, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Nora Preuss was a postdoctoral fellow in the lab between 2017-2022 and she investigated how vestibular information contributes to bodily awareness and full-body illusions. Click here for more information about her resaerch.

email: nora.preuss @
office phone: (+46) 8 524 87 984

Arran Reader, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Arran was a postdoctoral fellow in the lab, investigating the links between body ownership and the motor system, using motion-tracking, grip force recording, and TMS. Click here for more information about his research in the BBS lab.

email: arran.reader @

Konstantina Kilteni, PhD, Assistant Professor

Konstantina was a postdoc in the lab from 2015 to 2020. In her project, she investigated the brain mechanisms underlying sensory attenuation and predictions in sensorimotor control. In January 2020 she was appointed to assistant professor at the Karolinska Institute where she currently leads her own group. Click here for more information about her research in the Brain. Body, and Self Laboratory and here for her new group.

email: konstantina.kilteni @

Chenggui Fan, MSc, PhD Student

Chenggui obtained his M.Sc. Degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China. Mr Fan was enrolled as PhD student in the Brain, Body and Self Laboratory at the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. In his project he is used behavioural paradigms and neuroimaging techniques to investigate body ownership and the basic constraints of body representation. Click here for more information about Chenggui and his work in the lab.

Christian Houborg Research Assistant

Christian Houborg completed a twelve-month internship in the lab as a part of his master's thesis in Psychology at Aalborg University. His supervisors were Konstantina Kilteni and Henrik Ehrsson. Christian additionally worked as a research assistant on experiments regarding the sensory attenuation of touch together with Konstantina and Henrik.

email: christianHouborg @

Arvid Guterstam, MD, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher

Arvid was a postdoctoral researcher (and former PhD student) in the lab. He investigated the neural link between self-perception of one's body and perceived self-location in the world, using behavioral measurements and fMRI. Click here for more information about his research. He is currently conducting a postdoc at Princeton with Micheal Graziano.

email: arvidg @

Björn van der Hoort, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher

Björn was a postdoctoral researcher (and former PhD student). He investigated the consequences of owning a gigantic or a tiny body visual perception of the external world while . He was also interested in the link between body ownership and perceptual awareness. Björn is currently a postdoc at University of Amsterdam.

Click here for more information about his research. email: b.j.j.vanderhoort @


Christopher C. Berger, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher

Christopher was a postdocoral researcher (and former PhD student) in the lab and his research utilized classic mulltisesory illusions to examine how the brain distinguishes between endogenous and exogeneous sensory events. Dr. Berger is currently a postdoc in Shinsuke Shimojo's lab at the California Institute of Technology, USA. Click here for more information about his latest research.

Catherine Preston, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Catherine was a postdoctoral fellow in the lab. Her research interests included the processes underlying both body ownership and movement agency. Click here for more information about her resaerch.

email: catherine.preston @

Hiske van Duinen, PhD, Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow

Hiske was a postdoctoral fellow in the lab. Her resaerch focused on how the brain integrates the various signals that play a role in proprioception, the sense of knowing where your limbs are in space, with a particular focus on the hand. Click here for more information about her research.

email: hiskevanduinen @

Andreas Kalckert, PhD

Andreas was a PhD student in the lab and his research focused on how the sense of ownership of the body and the sense of agency over bodily movements work together to enable us to recognize ourselves. Click here for more information about his research.

email: andreas.kalckert @

Giovanni Gentile, PhD

Giovanni was a PhD student in the lab and his research focused on the neural mechanisms of the multisensory representation of the body and its immediate surroundings in the human brain. Click here for more information about his research.

email: ggentile @

Loretxu Bergouignan, PhD

Loretxu was a postdoctoral fellow in the lab and she used fMRI to investigate the role of self-representation on the neurocognitive processes involved in transforming life experiences into memory. Click here for more information about her resaerch.

email: l.bergouignan @
phone: (+34) 943309300 (ext.228)

Claudio Brozzoli, PhD, Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow

Claudio was a postdoctoral fellow in the lab and his resaerch focused on the role of peripersonal space in the interactions between the body and the objects and its relationship with the feeling of body ownership throught the use of fMRI and TMS. Click here for more information about his research.

email: claudio.brozzoli @
office phone: (+46) 8 524 87 984

Alexander Skoglund, PhD, Research Engineer

During his time in the lab, Dr. Skoglund has set up the groups electronic lab, and designed several components used in our day-to-day research. Among the designs are an MRI compatible finger tap detection system, laser trigger for the TMS, software and hardware for stereo viewing and online manipulation, etc. Click here for more information about his work. He now works as a technical consultant at ÅF.

Laura Schmalzl, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

During her time in the lab, Dr. Schmalzl utilized her background in clinical neuropsychology and cognitive science to conduct studies investigating the plasticity of body representation in healthy individuals as well as patient populations. Click here for more information about her research.

Valeria Petkova, MSc, PhD

During her time here in the Brain, Body & Self Lab, Dr. Valeria Petkova used state of the art neuroimaging techniques and behavioral methods to study the perceptual and neural underpinnings of body ownership. Dr. Petkova's PhD Thesis title was, "Do I need a body to know who I am? Neural Mechanisms of body ownership"--click here for pdf. Click here for more information about her research.

Malin Björnsdotter, MSc, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Dr. Björnsdotter is currently conducting postdocs in Singapore, Yale, and other places. During Dr. Björnsdotter's time here in the BBS lab as a postdoctoral fellow her resaerch interests included developing and applying machine learning methods for analysis of brain activity patterns. Click here for more information about her resaerch.

email: malin.aberg @

Michael Harvey, PhD

Michael Harvey (USA) was the first postdoc in the lab. From November 2008 to January 2010 he worked on a project to look for multisensory responses in early visual areas with Per Roland and Henrik Ehrsson. Michael is currently based at University of Chicago, USA.

Internship Student Alumni

Diana Johnsson, Medical Student

Diana Johnsson is a medical student at Karolinska Institutet. In the summer of 2023, she conducted a research internship focused on full-body illusions and emotional processing under the supervision of Ryu Ohata and Henrik Ehrsson.

email: diana.johnsson @

Michelangelo Tani, Master Student

Michelangelo Tani, a master’s student in cognitive neuroscience at Sapienza University of Rome, conducted a two-month summer internship under the supervision of Mariano D’Angelo and Henrik Ehrsson. His project focused on tactile-proprioceptive integration within the somatosensory rubber hand illusion paradigm.

Wiktoria Rabińska, Psychology student

Wiktoria Rabińska is a second-year psychology and cognitive science student at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. She conducted a two-and-a-half-month internship, working on full-body illusion experiments with Dennis Larsson and Henrik Ehrsson.

email: wiktoria.rabinska @

Sofiya Zbaranska, Internship student

In 2022, Sofiya Zbaranska, was conducting a four-month research internship investigating links between bodily awareness and memory functions under the supervision of Heather Iriye and Henrik Ehrsson.

Christos Petritsis, Medical Student

Christos Petritsis is a medical student from University of Athens. He conducted a two months internship in the lab in the summer of 2022, working on a project on embodied cognition and full-body illusions with Max Hauser and Henrik Ehrsson.

Magdalena Jaglinska, B.Sc, Research Assistant

Magdalena Jaglinska was a former internship student and current research assistant in the lab. She was working with Heather Iriye and Henrik Ehrsson on projects investigating links between body ownership, memory formation, and the unity of bodily self-experience. She is currently conducting master’s studies at UCL.

Emma Såge Bachelor's Student

Emma Såge was a third year bachelor student in the biomedicine program at Karolinska Institutet. Her summer project was about perception of synchronous touch via visuotactile stimulation in the context of body ownership. Her supervisors were Marie Chancel and Henrik Ehrsson.

email: emma.sage @

Adam Enmalm Bachelor's Student

Adam is a Bachelor student in cognitive neuroscience at the University of Skövde. He conducted two internships in the lab in 2019 and 2020 and completed his Bachelor's thesis project based on experiments conducted in the Brain, Body, and Self Laboratory. In his project he investigated the relationship between different interoceptive modalites. Adam was supervised by Laura Crucianelli and Henrik Ehrsson.

Diana Kollenda Master's Student

Diana Kollenda is conducting a master's degree in integrative neuroscience at the Goete University of Frankfurt, Germany. She was conducting a three-month internship in the group, where she was working on a project with Max Hauser that deals with embodied cognition.

email: diana.kollenda @

Linnea Maurex Bachelor's Student

Linnea Maurex was conducting an internship for her bachelor’s thesis in psychology at Karolinska Institutet. Her project investigates sensory attenuation from a social cognitive neuroscience perspective, and she was supervised by Konstantina Kilteni and Henrik Ehrsson.

email: linnea.maurex @

Ida Boberg Bachelor's Student

Ida Boberg was conducting an internship for her bachelor’s thesis in psychology at Karolinska Institutet. Her project investigates sensory attenuation from a social cognitive neuroscience perspective, and she was supervised by Konstantina Kilteni and Henrik Ehrsson.

email: ida.boberg @

Ryota Kondo, MSc, visiting PhD Student

Ryota Kondo was conducting a part of his PhD studies at Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan in the lab. He was investigating body ownership using virtual reality techniques. Click here for more information about his research.

email: ryota.kondo @

Victoria Trifonova Research Assistant

Victoria Trifonova was conducting a six-month internship in the lab during the last year of her undergraduate degree in Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology (at The University of Manchester). She was investigating the interaction between body ownership and movement. Her supervisors were Arran Reader and Henrik Ehrsson.

email: victoria.trifonova @

Patrick Engeler Master's Student

Patrick Engeler was conducting an internship during his master's in Biomedicine at Karolinska Institutet. His project focuses on sensory attenuation and he was supervised by Konstantina Kilteni and Henrik Ehrsson.

email: patrick.engeler @

Linnea Påvénius Bachelor's Student

Linnea Påvénius was conducting a summer intership during her degree in Medicine at Karolinska Institutet. Her supervisors were Marie Chancel and Henrik Ehrsson, and the project deals with the perceptual processes of body ownership.

email: linnea.pavenius @

Birgit Hasenack Master's Student

Birgit Hasenack was conducting a nine-month internship for her master's thesis in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience at Maastricht University in our lab. Her supervisors were Marie Chancel and Henrik Ehrsson, and the project deals with the perceptual processes of body ownership.

email: b.hasenack @

Zineb Hayatou Master's Student

Zineb Hayatou was conducting an internship for her master's in Neuroscience at Sorbonne University. She was investigating the after effect of the rubber hand illusion. Her supervisors were Zakaryah Abdulkarim and Henrik Ehrsson.

email: zineb.hayatou @

Joanna Szczotka Master's Student

Joanna Szczotka (Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland) was conducting two three-month research internships with Arvid Guterstam and Henrik Ehrsson as supervisor: The first in the fall of 2016 and the second in the summer of 2018. She worked on full-body ownership illusion paradigms and the magnetic touch illusion with tools.

email: joanna.szczotka @

Pius Kern Internship student

Pius Kern was conducting a three-month internship for his B.Sc. in psychology from the Philipps-University Marburg University in Germany. He conducted research on multisensory body perception under the supervision of Marie Chancel and Henrik Ehrsson.

David Boardman Master's Student

David Boardman conducted a four-month internship in our lab for his master's thesis in Clinical Medicine at Lund University. His supervisors were Pawel Tacikowski and Henrik Ehrsson.

email: david.boardman.595 @
office phone: (+46) 08 524 87 989

Marta Marciniak Master's Student

Marta Marciniak (from University of Warsaw) was doing a summer-internship. Her supervisors were Konstantina Kilteni and Henrik Ehrsson.

email: mart.marciniak @

Laufey Brynjarsdottir Master's Student

Laufey Brynjarsdottir was doing a nine-month internship for her master's thesis in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience at Maastricht University in our lab. Her supervisors were Nora Preuss and Henrik Ehrsson.

email: l.brynjarsdottir @

Marieke Weijs Master's Student

Marieke Weijs was doing a six-month internship for her master's thesis in Neuroscience and Cognition at Utrecht University in our lab. Her supervisors were Pawel Tacikowski and Henrik Ehrsson. Marieke is now off to take on a PhD student position in Birgitta Lenggenhager's lab in Zurich, Switzerland.

email: m.l.weijs @

Evelina Husén Bachelor's student

Evelina Husén (Biomedicine, Karolinska Institutet) did a summer-internship in our lab. Her supervisors were Zakaryah Abdulkarim and Henrik Ehrsson.

email: evelina.husen @

Hanna Eneqvist Bachelor's student

Hanna Eneqvist (Neuroscience BSc at the University of Edinburgh) did a summer-internship in our lab. Her supervisors were Björn van der Hoort and Henrik Ehrsson.

email: hanna.eneqvist @

Sofia Fröman

In the Fall and Winter of 2010/2011 Sofia Fröman had an intership in the lab as part of her master degree specializing in Mechatronics at the KTH machine design department. During her time here she worked on developing the initial designs for an MR compatible moving rubber hand. Click here for more information about her work in the lab.

Hedvig Zetterberg

In the Spring and Summer of 2010 Hedvig Zetterberg (Sweden) made an internship in the lab as part of her master degree in clinical medical science at the Karolinska Institutet. She conducted a study on the rubber hand illusion with blind participants. Hedvig is currently a qualified physiotherapist and PhD student at the Department of Neuroscience, Uppsala University, Sweden.

email: hedvig.zetterberg @

Current research group:

Mehrnoush Khoshnevis

Mehrnoush Khoshnevis (Sweden) conducted a six month internship in the lab in the spring of 2009 (research preparatory course). She worked with Valeria Petkova and Henrik Ehrsson on a behavioural project to study the role of the visual perspective on full-body ownership illusions. In 2011 her experiments were published in Frontiers of Psychology (Petkova et al. 2011). In 2010 Mehronoush was accepted into the medical school at Uppsala University where she is currently pursuing her training as a medic.