Applications for external postdoc fellowships

If you are interested in joining the group as a post-doc you should contact Henrik Ehrsson at least one year in advance of the planned start date. Please submit your CV, the names of two references, and a short description of why you want to join our group and what kind of project you would like to conduct. There are several possible sources of funding for which you can apply to do post-doctoral research, most of which have deadlines of up to one year in advance of starting the project. See below for some funding possibilities.

Possible sources of personal funding and approximate annual deadlines:

HFSP Long-Term Fellowships, Deadline in August

EU Marie Curie Fellowships, Deadline in August:
International Incoming Fellowships, for applicants from outside the EU
Intra-European Fellowships, for applicants from within the EU

Wennergren Foundation, Deadline early October

Hjärnfonden, Deadline in June (a Swedish PhD is a eligibility criterion)

Additional information:

PostDoc at Karolinska Institutet: Postdoc Handbook (pdf-file, 78kB)
Department of Neuroscience: Homepage
Information about Stockholm:
Information about Sweden:

Applications for Student Internships

For students (at BSc or MSc level) interested in conducting a student internship in the lab, please contact Prof. Henrik Ehrsson. Include a CV and brief motivation for why you would like to conduct an internship in the lab. Please note that we normally do not consider internships that are shorter than 3 months (with an exception for summer students where 8 weeks is the minimum). Summer students should contact Dr. Ehrsson before January 31st each year.

Page last modified: April 25 2024 09:37:34.