
H. Henrik Ehrsson, MD PhD, Professor

Henrik Ehrsson is a professor at the Department of Neuroscience at the Karolinska Institutet and is the principal investigator of the Brain, Body and Self Laboratory.

email: henrik.ehrsson @
office phone: (+46) 8 524 87 231

Agnes Ehrsson, DMD, Research Assistant

Agnes Ehrsson is a part-time research assistant in the lab, assisting Henrik Ehrsson with research coordination and administrative duties.

email: agnieszka.miedzinska @

Martti Mercurio, MSc, Research Engineer

Martti has a M.Sc. Degree in Mechanical Engineering from KTH in the field of Mechatronics. He is a Research Engineer at the Department for Neuroscience. Click here for more information about Martti and his work in the lab.

email: martti.mercurio @
office phone: (+46) 8 524 87 204

Maximilian Hauser, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Max is a postdoctoral fellow in the lab and his research project so far deals with multisensory processes of body ownership, MEG and embodied cognition.

email: maximilian.hauser @
office phone: (+46) 8 524 87 984

Heather Iriye, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Heather is a postdoctoral fellow in the lab and her research is focused on how bodily self-consciousness shapes memory for past events.

email: heather.iriye @
office phone: (+46) 8 524 87 984

Zakaryah Abdulkarim, MD PhD, Lecturer

Zakaryah is a lecturer in neuroscience investigating the neural and behavioural links between body ownership, agency, and voluntary action.

email: zakaryah.abdulkarim @
office phone: (+46) 8 524 87 217

Renzo Lanfranco, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Renzo is a postdoctoral fellow in the lab and his research focus focuses on the computational and neural mechanisms of conscious awareness and multisensory integration in the sense of body ownership. He is also interested in consciousness research, high-level visual perception, face perception, emotion processing, metacognition, and psychopathology.

email: renzo.lanfranco @
office phone: (+46) 8 524 87 989

Mariano D´Angelo, PhD, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow

Mariano is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the lab and his research focus on the relationship between multisensory temporal resolution and body ownership. He is also interested in peripersonal and interpersonal space and how one’s own body representation may affect social interpersonal attitudes.

email: mariano.dangelo @
office phone: (+46) 8 524 87 217

Ryu Ohata, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Ryu is a postdoctoral fellow in the lab and his research focuses on the role of body ownership on emotional experiences and the underlying neural mechanisms.

email: ryu.ohata @
office phone: (+46) 8 524 87 217

Dennis Larsson, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Dennis is a postdoctoral fellow in the lab and his research is focused on the neural mechanisms of forming a sense of ownership of one unified body compared to multiple bodies.

email: dennis.larsson @
office phone: (+46) 8 524 87 984

Sophie O'Kane, MSc, PhD Student

Sophie a Ph.D student in the lab and in her project she is investigating the neurocognitive mechanisms of full-body ownership.

email: sophie.okane @
office phone: (+46) 8 524 87 989

Sara Coppi, MSc, PhD Student

Sara Coppi is a PhD student in the lab who is investigating the multisensory mechanisms of body ownership and pain perception. Sara has previously conducted a six-months internship in our lab for her master's degree in Cognitive Neuroscience and Clinical Neuropsychology at the University of Padova, Italy, and also a one-year position as a research assistant.

email: sara.coppi @
office phone: (+46) 8 524 87 989

August Hägerdal, Medical Student

August Hägerdal is a medical student at the Karolinska Institutet that is conducting an internship in the lab. August is working with Renzo Lanfranco and Henrik Ehrsson on a project about rubber hand illusion and EEG.

email: august.hagerdal @

Xiaole Luan, Biomedical Student

Xiaole Luan is a student in Master’s Programme in Biomedicine at Karolinska Institutet. She is conducting a research internship on electrophysiological and psychophysical signatures of the sense of limb ownership, supervised by Renzo Lanfranco and Henrik Ehrsson.

email: xiaole.luan @

Page last modified: January 29 2024 12:52:37.